CUSIP: 912797MN4Term and Type: 4-Day BillCMB: YesHigh Rate: 4.390%Investment Rate: 4.453%Price: $99.951222Allotted at High: 9.68%Total Tendered: $114,500,000Total Accepted: $25,000,200Auction Date: 12/05/2024Issue Date: 12/06/2024Maturity Date: 12/10/2…
CUSIP: 912797MN4Term and Type: 4-Day BillCMB: YesOffering Amount: 0 BillionAnnouncement Date: 12/05/2024Auction Date: 12/05/2024Issue Date: 12/06/2024Maturity Date: 12/10/2024PDF | XML
CUSIP: 912796ZV4Term and Type: 30-Day BillCMB: YesHigh Rate: 4.550%Investment Rate: 4.631%Price: $99.620833Allotted at High: 12.86%Total Tendered: $145,833,829,000Total Accepted: $40,001,399,400Auction Date: 11/25/2024Issue Date: 11/26/2024Maturity Dat…
CUSIP: 912796ZV4Term and Type: 30-Day BillCMB: YesOffering Amount: 40 BillionAnnouncement Date: 11/21/2024Auction Date: 11/25/2024Issue Date: 11/26/2024Maturity Date: 12/26/2024PDF | XML
With the election of Donald Trump as U.S. president at the beginning of November, the future of aid for Ukraine has been thrown into limbo. Trump has been an outspoken critic of U.S. military commitments abroad as part of his infamous claim to “make Am…
The stock market decline stopped at roughly a 50% retracement of the erection rally. Now the rebound is stuck at a 5 day downtrend line…
Originally posted at Capitalstool. Wall Street has never been one to make moral political judgments. Although it has been known to make judgements on political…
As of September 30 closing prices, the list had an average gain of 9.9% up from + 7.4% the previous week, on an average holding…
Vice President Harris’ proposed economic plan essentially guarantees stagflation by both subsidizing demand and discouraging supply. While Harris has been shy about her economic platform, her recent speech and prior campaigns suggest she would favor measures that discourage supply such as higher taxes and price controls. It also seems she would like to increase demand by subsidizing housing and forgiving some types of loans. A combination of stronger demand amidst lower supply suggests a stagflationary […]
The post Harrisomics appeared first on Joseph Wang.
France’s snap legislative election on Sunday 7 July 2024 has resulted in a hung parliament, with no majority and instead will be shaped by three main political blocs. With 180 seats, the left-wing New Popular Front coalition unexpectedly became the lea…