There are some signs that this is it, and others that say, not so fast, Buster! Let’s sort it out. Non subscribers click here to…
For a change, the screens produced more charts for final visual review on the buy side than the sell side, with 42 buys and 38…
There were more hints of a xxx xxxx xxxxx low last week, but hints do not a bottom make, especially if this is a new…
Expecting a 6-month cycle low in the past couple of weeks led me to have a bullish bias in selecting swing trade picks from the…
It’s time for a 6-month cycle low, but bottom windows are also periods of heightened crash potential. The next couple of days are pivotal. Here’s…
I narrowed the final double check to Friday only this week since Friday’s hard selloff fully negated Thursday’s gains. The buys and sells were small…
The cycle picture is surprisingly sanguine in view of Friday’s selloff. It hasn’t done much damage yet. But it will if the decline continues on…
Using the new extended period filters, last week there were just 19 final buy signals against 67 sell signals. I looked at all of the…
It needs it to confirm an important bottom. Otherwise. LTFO. This report shows you the setup to prepare you to make the right move. Non…
This week, I am starting a new screening mode which in theory should result in fewer false signals. In the interest of saving time, and…