In one of the most bizarre moments of an incredibly bizarre few years, the last gasp of the Covid Cash insanity was experienced with Bed Bath and Beyond (BBBY). Just over three months ago, based on nothing more than the wsb boys saying that they we…
FEEDHey, Mr. CEO, want to stroke your ego by naming a stadium after your company? You’ll regret it!
The old “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me” is germane to crypto, although I don’t think they’ve figured out the “fool me fifty-seven times………” rejoinder. But that’s a…
How about that………..from Morgan Stanley. People have never been more convinced the market is going straight up.
Shield your eyes, Frank………………
Here are four electric car companies that were counting on Build Back Better (I assume) but are now at the lowest prices of human history. Quite a sea-change! Click any chart for a big version.
Looks like another lifetime low close is forthcoming. The bald freak is their founder, by the way, who sold his stock at VASTLY higher prices to the unfortunate retailer “investors.” The crooked crypto crew is moving heaven and earth to…
I hadn’t heard about the Flexible Consumer Price Index until I read about it from David Stockman. He pointed to it as evidence of how hot inflation was running. Well, that was true a few months ago, but look how fast it has collapsed. Maybe t…
Here’s an interesting layered chart I put together this morning. In blue is the SPY and in red is the cumulative advance/decline line. What jumps out at me is how, from the start of the year until October 13th, the lines were pretty much in l…