If the Fed succeeding is a “Black Swan,” bring it on.
As painful as this liquidation and repricing of risk is for borrowers and lenders, those without debt, those with cash and those with essential skills that are in demand regardless of boom or bust will all benefit.
The question that should be on our minds is: how are my household’s buffers holding up?
The gag reflex kicks in at some point and we walk away because it is no longer worth the price.
What’s unfettered in America is “Communism for the Rich” and the normalization of corruption that results from the auctioning of political power to protect monopolies and cartels.
Who believed that central banks’ financial perpetual motion machine was anything more than trickery designed to generate phantom wealth?
Greed is a powerful motivation to be an ardent believer in the central banking cult.
It’s not just the price of oil that matters: how much disposable income consumers have left to buy more goods and services matters, too.
What all the entrenched insiders in America’s parasitic, predatory elites and institutions don’t dare admit is that to protect themselves from consequence, we’ve had to sacrifice everything else.
Only when speculative sizzle attracts no buyers / marks will the bottom be in.