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Flat Squeeze Launchpad Ready for Liftoff 8/21/24

This is a syndicated repost published with the permission of Stool Pigeons Wire at To view original, click here. Opinions herein are not those of the Wall Street Examiner or Lee Adler. Reposting does not imply endorsement. The information presented is for educational or entertainment purposes and is not individual investment advice.

Good morning, America, how are you?

  14 hours ago, TurdButter said:

“…going much higher.”

So that 6 month cycle hitting the wall early has become irrelevant?

Well, yes. I discussed it in the latest report. Nothing But Air I also earlier had the caveat that a vicious second wind rally was a possibility. That has played out. Then last week when so many buys came up in the screens, and I reviewed the charts, I found 15 that I liked enough to add to the chart pick list.  Swing Trade Screen Picks – We Caught the Turn

I have also pointed out my error on my thinking about T-bill supply, which I recognized in June. T-bills, are defacto money. Issuing them is like printing money because they are perfect collateral and they instantly are used as such– instamoney. The more they issue, the more money enters the system, some directly into the markets, and some via government spending, which supports economic activity, which leads to business profits, which leads to excess capital creation, which leads to more speculation etc. Next week, they’re hitting the market with an insane $55 billion. Liquidity Now Hinges on Mood


It’s a perfect perpetual motion machine until it becomes too top heavy. Rising prices cause increase in the total value of supply, so it takes ever more money to keep prices rising. Ultimately it dies of its own weight. If they stop printing money, prices start falling here and there, and the leverage multiplies that and the thing starts to feed on itself in the opposite direction.

The market is dynamic, ever changing, and yes Burton Malkiel, with plenty of randomness. It’s why we have to stay on top of it constantly and adjust our views as called for.

Look, I don’t like this any more than you do. Bull markets absolutely kill my business. You see it here. No one wants to be here, only partly because of me. If we build a bear market, people will come. The only time my subscriber base grows is during those rare bear markets. The rest of the time, down, down, down. Almost nobody wants to read my analysis when the market’s going up.

I’m not a bear polemicist. I’m an observer. I report what I see. I make mistakes, and when I recognize them I correct them. Otherwise, I could not live with myself. I’m not here to defend a point of view. I’m hear to read and react, report what I see.

So almost no one likes to read my work. No one is happy with it. Bulls don’t care, and bears don’t want to hear it when it’s bullish, which is most of the time.

So be it. The business suffers, but that’s just the way it is. I will keep going, until death do us part. Because the work fascinates me, and I appreciate the handful of people who support it. I can only hope and dream that someday there will be a few more. It’s the definition of insanity, I guess.

And so, in the immortal words of Ocean Spray, I say to you, “Thank you for your support!”

Meanwhile, this chart of the ES still looks bullish. Unbelievable but true. It now needs to break 5584 to have any shot whatsoever at a downside reversal. Trend support will be at 5590 at the end of the day. Trend resistance will be at 5642.


For moron the markets, see:

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