Reposted with permission of Apartment List. View original post here. By: Igor Popov, Chris Salviati, and Rob Warnock For the fourth straight month, roughly one-in-three Americans failed to…
There’s nothing like an existential threat, such as the prospect of complete annihilation of one’s own group, to motivate behavior and focus one’s mind.
The mythical market and view of an autonomous, self-managing capitalism is contradicted by the multiple real critical dependencies of our economy.
While the US political system (federal, state and local) has been assumed to be one of the more stable political institutions in the world, over the last two decades a series of confrontations between the Republicans and the Democrats has started to expose serious faults in American governance.
By Robert E. Prasch Department of Economics Middlebury College Five long years have passed since the demise of the once venerable firm of Lehman Brothers. To mark the occasion, Wall Street, the United States Treasury Department, the White House, and … Continue reading →
This is a syndicated repost published with the permission of Money Morning. To view original, click here. Opinions herein are not those of the Wall Street…
For going on five years now, unprecedented ”hot money” has inundated emerging market (EM) financial systems and economies.
Last year’s crippling drought has led to a spike in global corn prices and tightened available supply stocks, as U.S. farmers experienced staggering crop destruction from the sweltering heat.
But this year, Mother Nature seems to be making up for lost time.
Legendary businessman Steve Forbes once said, “Everyone is a disciplined, long-term investor until the market goes down.”
Capital Wave Strategist Shah Gilani joined FOX Business’ “Varney & Co.” to answer the big question: Will the stock market sell-off keep going?