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Category: David Stockman

Hey, Wall Street——-This Bud’s For You!

The hoards of Washington politicians promising to boost the nation’s economic growth rate and the posse of monetary central planners and their Keynesian economists (excuse the tautology) gumming about the fact that “escape velocity” appears to have gone MIA have one thing in common. To wit, they have never looked at the chart below, or don’t get it if they have. Plain and simple, the sum…

Time For Torches & Pitchforks——-The Little Guy Is About To Get Monkey-Hammered Again

The reputations of Ben and Janet are going to be eviscerated in 2016. That’s because the US economy will slide into recession in defiance of every claim they have made for their snake oil monetary policies. The plain fact is, massive falsification of financial markets via their “wealth effects” doctrine did not levitate main street prosperity at all; it just fueled another…

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