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Category: Chriss Street

California Hit with $31.6 Billion Audit Misstatement

The California Bureau of State Audits set off a scandal on June 1st by disclosing that the State Controller’s Office made accounting misstatements amounting to $31.65 billion.  The timing of the announcement may be devastating to the Democrats who expected to use their super-majority to pass billions of dollars in increased spending, but may now […]

The post California Hit with $31.6 Billion Audit Misstatement appeared first on Chris Street.

North Korea’s Dear Leader Sails Into the Mediterranean

A North Korean-flagged oil tanker appears to have loaded oil at the Libyan rebel held Es Sider oil terminal southwest of Benghazi and escaped Libyan Navy pursuit.  Libya’s Parliament voted earlier in the day to remove  Prime Minister Ali Zeidan from office for failure to stop rebels holding the eastern coast of Libya from exporting […]

The post North Korea’s Dear Leader Sails Into the Mediterranean appeared first on Chris Street.

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