The Fed is getting back to more normal operations with just $3.75 billion in overnight repos against expirations of $3.5 billion. The 5 day net…
The Fed topped off a day of massive pumping with a $3.5 billion overnight repo on top of an $18 billion 5 day forward, 3…
Latest cycle conditions and projections for the US Dollar Index and 10 Year Treasury Yield. Click links to download report in pdf format. (WSE Pro…
We haven’t seen this in a while. After pumping $16.50 billion into the market on Wednesday, and setting up another $18 billion add on Monday…
The Fed continued its mysterious behavior on Thursday, pulling a reverse repo out of its hat for the first time in ages. The Fed did…
In actions that are unprecedented, at least since the days immediately following 9/11/01, the Fed added a net of $16.5 billion to the market, and…
The Fed withdrew a net of $4.5 billion from the market on Tuesday doing $4.5 billion in 9 day repos against expirations of $8.75 billion.…
The Fed added a net of $5 billion to the market on Monday doing a permanent coupon purchase for the second day in a row,…
Latest cycle conditions and projections for the US Dollar Index and 10 Year Treasury Yield. Click links to download report in pdf format. (WSE Pro…
On the week, the Fed did a net drain of $2.87 billion, which pales in comparison with the $89 billion in Treasury debt paydowns. So…