The Department of Labor (DOL) has revamped its reporting system for weekly claims. Perhaps my constant whining about the problem of reporting seasonally adjusted BS…
A couple of things struck me about today’s jobs report. One was the regularity of the straight line trend in non farm payrolls. I mean,…
Today’s report on first time unemployment claims was a nothing-burger. It was a worse report than usual for this week of the year, but the…
America is being run by an unelected gang of essentially self-perpetuating PhDs. The notion of an economics coup d’ etat is not so far-fetched. After all,…
While the Fed’s QE program has had great success in its true intended goal of inflating stock prices, it had no measurable impact on the rate of job losses, which have remained in a stable trend for 4 years whether QE was going full blast or was in a long pause
We wonder how President Obama, that crusader for fairness, equality and all time Russell 200,000 highs, will feel about that? In the meantime, just like the Herp, QE is the gift that keeps on giving.. and giving… and giving… to the 0.001%
Is this another sign of sudden overheating, or just the vestiges of an unusually cold winter.
The trend of improvement in job losses has gradually slowed over the past two years but stock prices have continued to spiral higher.
One of the off-the-wall theories that I have espoused lately is that rather than slowing because of the winter weather, the US economy is actually beginning to overheat as it enters the final stages of a free money boom that has benefitted the few at the expense of the many.
The US economy is a big lumbering behemoth consisting of hundreds of millions of actors and billions of transactions every day. It has a life of its own, an inertia against which all of the Fed’s policy manipulations are insanely meaningless.