Rock bottom mortgage rates aren’t helping the housing market. The NAHBs builder survey numbers were horrible. Current sales were rated at 13 on a scale of 100. Anything below 50 means that the builders say that business sucks. But get this. The “Traffi…
The Fed just bought another $5.2 billion of Treasuries.
WSJ National Bureau of Economic Research declares the recession officially ended in June 2009.
Reuters_Biz U.S. recession ended June 2009: NBER
CNNMoney The longest recession since World War II, 18 months long, e…
He’s a secular fire and brimstone preacher. Makes his living just like ‘Teardrop’ Beck and Rusty Limo.Same religion, different denomination. Oh well, that’s entertainment.…e.html#comments
LOL. MY bailout good. YOUR bailout bad.
Charlie Munger On His Bailout and Your Need to Tighten Your Belts
September 19, 2010
For the Unemployed Over 50, Fears of Never Working Again
VASHON ISLAND, Wash. — Patricia Reid is not in her 70s, an age when many Americans continue to work. She is not even in her 60s. She is just 57.
But four ye…
Kernen has been negative on gold and missed the move the whole way up.
Rickards left the other guy speechless. lol.
I’m not a big fan of Rickards. I think he was wrong about what he said regarding 1925.
I just thought it was nice that someone who h…
Tax cuts: Small biz fact check
NEW YORK ( — Republicans say raising taxes on the wealthy would cause small businesses to pull back on hiring. Many leading Democrats say that’s nonsense. Who’s right?
The answer isn’t black and white, de…
Charlie educates the young
So bailing out shareholders in banks and other financial institutions “saved our civilization”.
Giving the money to the wealthy was absolutely necessary. But it would have been catastrophic to give to average people who h…
by Pulp Cutter I currently live in Mass, grew up here, and have spent about half my life here. Regardless of who wins, IMO the…