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Category: Bruce Krasting


On October 25 I wrote about what, at the time, looked like an overvalued EURUSD (it was 1.3950). Zero Hedge had an article attributing the strength to ongoing capital repatriation by EU (primarily French) banks. My words:

As long as there is Euro repa…

Three Long Waves

Our economic slump is pushing four years now. The evidence is easy to find: huge deficits, slow growth, mortgage defaults, declining real estate prices, high unemployment and an economy that can’t produce enough jobs. There are less obvious conseque…

I love a stink

My kind of story in the Swiss papers today. I love it when big shot central bankers get their dirty laundry made public.

Kashya, the wife of Phillip Hilldebrand (head of the Swiss National Bank) sold Swiss Francs just a few days before the Swiss Nati…

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