For some companies—those that know how to leverage worldwide tax systems—France offers a free ride. But as the French government chases down the last euro…
We have seen it for several years now: foreclosure sales—there were 5 million since the peak of the housing bubble—have become the hunting grounds for…
At the Conservative Political Action Conference, as the GOP struggled with its future, some speakers drew crowds of over 1,000 people. But Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher was shuffled off to “an out-of-the-way ballroom” with barely two …
Why is it that 17 nations have to fundamentally reorganize themselves and shift sovereignty away from national parliaments to new layers of transnational, beyond-control bureaucracies…
New vehicle sales have staged a phenomenal recovery from the financial crisis, when buyers went on strike. Sales below the replacement rate create a vacuum…
Catastrophic nuclear accidents, like Chernobyl in 1986 or Fukushima in 2011, are, we’re incessantly told, very rare, and their probability of occurring infinitesimal. But when they do occur, they get costly. So costly that the French government, …
Anti-euro movements have been squashed by political establishments across the Eurozone. Then Italy happened. Two anti-austerity parties captured over half the vote and threw the status quo into chaos. It stoked a fire in Germany where Chancellor Merkel…
CEOs of the largest American corporations, without aiming at it, shot barn-door-size holes through the rosy jobs picture. Rosy on the surface: unemployment down to…
There have been waves of threats by Eurozone politicians to bully people into accepting “whatever it took” to keep the shaky construct of the monetary union glued together. These threats peaked last year with disorderly default, and when th…
The ECB and the national central banks of the Eurozone set out to collect “micro-level information” on household wealth. A massive bureaucratic undertaking. Surveys went out in 2010. Results are now ready. No one in Europe had ever done a s…