Unilever warns about stagnation in the US, quagmire in Europe; and in China, oh my, sales plunged 20%. Sudden slowdown this quarter.
Here, in two charts, are the designated losers (the vast majority of the people).
Is the blindingly magnificent housing bubble in Canada running out of steam?
Explanations abound why this is suddenly happening, after years of deceptive calm.
“Too many poorly understood structural changes have created unstable markets.”
They fear it’s fueled by reckless lending; but when it pops, all heck will break lose.
Bitter ironies are piling up – with very crummy consequences.
Finland Downgraded, Prime Minister Busy Eating his Debt-Crisis Words about “Survival of the Fittest”
“It should be the triple-A countries that basically, not dictate the rules, but at least have a strong say….”
It will be the sort of financial bloodletting people will remember for years.
Humans need not apply.