What a week for the TURDS. We have an overflowing toilet as Shamu the killer whale exploded out of the gate, led by Google which went up the value of Amgen plus 5 points on Friday. That is 61 beans to you and me and makes me tingly. Jim Cramer said not…
This week’s winners go to all the remaining mafia families, or banks, that that bought out firms holding or selling a continent’s worth of toxic waste, sub prime loans, alt A loans, adjustable rate mortgages, prime loans, and mortgage back securities…
It is pretty much futile to dispute that stocks will keep going up until the psychopath running the Fed get’s a boot up his ass from a third party. To think that this guy is even thinking about QE 2 when Google busts a 50 point move after hours and our…
Some of the comments in the article below confirm the existence of and entry into a third bubble within the last decade. I couldn’t get past McFly and had to puke, so sorry. After reading this I know without a doubt, we will crash again. A gut wrenchin…
No, this is not a fake headline. This has been making the rounds on a lot of blogs and finally hit the mainstream media. I have been trying to figure out why we still need QE 2 and this just answered my question. There is no rule of law left in the ba…
After listening to Steve Lies-man tell us what the Fed really said when they released their minutes, I got a phone call from some guy who is really connected telling me the Dollar Store and the .99 Cent Store are changing their names to the Seventy Ce…
I just had a bubble flash back. Crapavision had a technology visionary round table special tonight and I came away feeling like the next smart phone might be called a smart ass because it will be able to wipe it for you. As for the round table, it remi…
Have you noticed when stocks hit a new all time bubble high CNBC doesn’t just say, “new high.” Pay close attention. It is now a “fresh” new high. I feel like I am watching a commercial for Chili’s when the camera scans to a perfect looking steak with…
This is a Bubble Playbook triple reverse warning. Wasn’t around much today but did catch the most used person on earth for a few seconds and he spewed some frightening words if you are a logically thinking individual trying to trade in this three ring …
Tomorrow Maria Bartotonyromo will be the Grand Marshall of a Parade. There are thirty foot banners of her lining the streets of New York so CNBS decided to give her an award. They like awards like I do which I think is pretty cool. I caught a little bi…