The concentration of gold among the top 15 countries is startling. This small group holds 83.2% of the world’s gold reserves.
The use of tax havens has become an increasingly popular way for U.S. companies to avoid paying tax on profits earned in foreign nations.
The rising cost of Obamacare plans isn’t just bad news for those who use them.
The Brexit vote stunned markets around the world and sparked countless predictions of economic doom for the UK. Don’t believe it.
The Bitcoin price got a healthy 8.8% pop from the shocking vote in Britain to leave the European Union, otherwise known as “Brexit.”
Unhappy about a 9/11-related law working its way through Congress, Saudi Arabia has threatened to dump $750 billion in U.S. assets if it passes.
Our do-nothing Congress gets less done every year.
The current Congress is on track to pass the fewest laws in the history of the republic. Here’s why.
You can tell a stock market crash is lurking on the horizon by watching the behavior of hedge fund managers.
As a group, they’ve been fleeing stocks since early February.
The sudden 20% jump in the Bitcoin price over the past week can be traced back to buying in China.
The Chinese became interested in the digital currency back in 2013 and now are responsible for more than 90% of the world’s Bitcoin trading. But the rapid rise in the Bitcoin price had a trigger.
The Puerto Rico debt crisis has reached a point where only help from Washington can save it.