The Congressional Budget Office put conservative economic thinkers on their ass this week. In thisReport (pdf), the CBO concluded that the US budget deficit is about…
How about Bernanke’s communication policy? The most important development for monetary policy in the last four years comes from a planted story in the Wall Street Journal on a Friday night. While I’m not surprised, I’m still disgusted. Press leaks to favorite journalists are no way to run this show. The WSJ/Hilsenrath […]
The post Bernanke Takes a “Leak” appeared first on Bruce Krasting.
Two charts from the CBO, then a question. No surprise in this chart. 11m people are in the US illegally. 8.5m are from…
The Social Security Trust Fund annual report to Congress is due out this week. It will be discussed in the Press for a few days.…
How about Reinhart-Rogoff? A couple of Bozos. These two Harvard economists have set back the debate on debt/deficits and the relationship to economic performance…
There was a four year stretch where I was responsible for big currency spec positions. I was regularly over a billion dollars long short in…
The following is a wonkish discussion of one aspect of the White House budget. The President’s budget will never see the light of day, but…
My daughter called last night, she’s made her reservations for a honeymoon in Japan. Six months ago she was leaning on going to Thailand, but…
Former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson has been coming out of the closet and doing some talking, He spoke on Bloomberg the other day, (Link). He was…
Paul Krugman has been taken shots at Martin Feldstein over this article (Link). Feldstein made the case that the Fed is keeping interest rates artificially low…