Today’s gold stock screens and data, along with cycle conditions and projections for gold and HUI index, and Chart of the Day picks for swing trades. Indispensible daily information for gold and precious metals stocks traders. Click here to downlo…
We have arrived safely at our newly rented Florida home. The movers have come and gone; I am surrounded by boxes, some empty, some partially empty, and a few still full, but at least I’m here, and anxious to get you up to speed with the latest and…
Some interesting takeaway comments from this Bloomberg article:
-Available money is encouraging “barely profitable and highly risky’’ investments, French Finance Thierryr Thierry Breton said last month.
-Interest rates in the main economies have still not been raised enough,’’ Congdonm Congdon, visiting fellow at the London School of Economics and one of the “wise men’’ who advised the […]
Financial entities now seem hard at work inflating earnings via some largely undisclosed version of (problem?) securities sales, and ratcheting up “fees” to customers. Of course my suspicion is that these transactions are conducted with Enron style off-balance sheet entities, or quasi-related hedge fund operators. But, we aren’t going to get even close to […]
“Carl Jung, remarked that “people cannot stand too much reality.” . How true, but we’ve now reached a new threshold in America, people can’t stand ANY reality.
-Wal Mart today said sales at established U.S. stores rose an estimated 0.5%, far off the 2-to-4% gain the company originally forecast for October. Brazil Americans […]
Stay calm, all is well. – Kevin Bacon, Animal House
The market acts not just calm/well, but absolutely comatose. To measure just how much so, I’m running two charts courtesy of Contrary Investor. If you are a CI sub, make sure you read their Thursday commentary. The charts speak for themselves. VIX, or […]
Have been scanning the conference call archives, and Monster comments on US job market. Clearly the sickness industry perp is a key driver, as is financial paper shuffling. Takes intelligent personnel to doctor diabetics and financial Ponzi scams.
Mark Stoever: The unemployment rate in North America is clearly at relative lows to historical patterns and there are sectors within that, […]
Michael McDonald, writing for Bloomberg is talking about What Fidelity Knows About Bernanke That Gross Doesn’t. Bill Gross, manager of the world’s biggest bond fund…
Is the urban commercial sprawl game on it’s last legs? Are the purveyors of this strategy waking up to the future realities. Opponents of urban and town edge commercial megastore development put their arguments succinctly as:
The 10 sins of retail sprawl
* It destroys the economic and environmental value of land
* It encourages an inefficient land-use […]
Today’s gold stock screens and data, along with cycle conditions and projections for gold and HUI index, and Chart of the Day picks for swing trades. Indispensible daily information for gold and precious metals stocks traders. Click here to downlo…