The market extended the election erection rally on Tuesday, in spite of the fact that the Fed withdrew some of the walking around money it…
The Fed withdrew part of Monday’s massive $10.75 billion add by issuing $8 billion in two day repos, and doing a permanent TIPs purchase for…
Today’s gold stock screens and data, along with cycle conditions and projections for gold and HUI index, and Chart of the Day picks for swing…
This post is about the coming “Second Wave Down” in housing and the “Global Economic Trainwreck” that are both poised to happen. These themes will…
Flush with government largess on election eve, the market rocketed higher on Monday. The Fed pumped in $10.75 billion with overnight repos. They conveniently had…
The Fed added a massive $10.75 billion to the liquidity pool on election eve Monday adding that amount in overnight repos against no expirations. The…
Today’s gold stock screens and data, along with cycle conditions and projections for gold and HUI index, and Chart of the Day picks for swing…
Latest cycle conditions and projections for the US Dollar Index and 10 Year Treasury Yield. Click links to download report in pdf format. (WSE Pro…
by Lee Adler I missed picking up on an important point during this weekend’s podcast. Russ Winter mentioned that revolving home equity was up $20…
This weekend I had a little panel discussion with blogger Russ Winter, and analyst Steve Northwood. It’s served in three parts. Be sure to download…