The Fed added $1.5 billion to the liquidity pool on Tuesday, issuing $5.25 billion in 3 day repos against $3.75 billion in expirations. It looks…
by Lee Wheeler
Donald Luskin, the ANALyst who some critics call “the stupidest man alive,” is wildly bullish. Nothing new there. What’s odd is that he considers his bullishness a contrarian position.
He has a November column up at where he writes:
“I’m the only guy in the world who thinks the U.S. economy isn’t heading into […]
That’s right. We are auctioning 5 trial subscriptions to the WSE Pro on eBay on Tuesday 11/21 at 1:15 PM ET. Register and bid now!…
Today’s gold stock screens and data, along with cycle conditions and projections for gold and HUI index, and Chart of the Day picks for swing…
The Conference Board released the Leading Economic Indicators for October 2006 on November 20th. Here are the highlights: The U.S. leading index increased 0.2 percent…
Stock screens and broad market indicators are sending conflicting signals, so there’s no reason to expect a change in the status quo. Long term indicators…
by Lee Wheeler
A lot of bears scratch their heads at the action we’re seeing and say, “Didn’t these fools learn their lesson from 2000-2002?” You could turn the question around and deduce that the bulls learned their lessons well indeed. Not from 2000-2002, but from 1998-2000.
During that 1998-2000 period, the mo-mo bullz saw that valuation […]
The Fed added $3.37 billion to the liquidity pool on Monday, issuing $3.75 billion in overnight repos, against $2.25 billion in expirations, plus announcing an…
Jeff Saut of Raymond “You Can Call Me Ray” James has an interesting Mohel chart today showing that risk-taking behavior in the market is a tad stretched—now nearly three standard deviations away from the norm of the past six years and, by far, more euphoric than any other time since 2000.
He adds: “Verily, since the […]
Today’s gold stock screens and data, along with cycle conditions and projections for gold and HUI index, and Chart of the Day picks for swing…