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Author: Lee Adler

I’ve been publishing The Wall Street Examiner and its predecessor since October 2000. I also publish, and was lead analyst for Sure Money Investor, of blessed memory. I developed David Stockman’s Contra Corner for Mr. Stockman. I’ve had a wide variety of finance related jobs since 1972, including a stint on Wall Street in both sales, analytical, and trading capacities. Prior to starting the Wall Street Examiner I was a commercial real estate appraiser in Florida for 15 years. I was considered an expert in the analysis of failed properties that ended up in the hands of bank REO divisions, the FDIC, and the RTC. Remember those guys? I also worked in the residential mortgage and real estate businesses in parts of the 1970s and 80s. I have been charting stocks and markets and doing analytical work since I was a teenager. I’m not some Ivory Tower academic, Wall Street guy. My perspective comes from having my boots on the ground and in the trenches, as a real estate broker, mortgage broker, trader, account rep, and analyst. I’ve watched most of the games these Wall Street wiseguys play from right up close. I know the drill from my 55 years of paying attention. And I’m happy to share that experience with you, right here.

Kooky Coincidence

by Lee Wheeler-
Here’s a kooky potential coincidence.
Some folks on the message boards have mentioned the PEI Business Cycle chart. That’s the pi-based 8.6 year global business cycle mumbo-jumbo developed by Martin Armstrong back in the late 1970s or early 1980s. There is some explanation on the web as to how Armstrong came up with […]

Spoozer Worse For Wear

by Lee Wheeler
The Spoozer definitely looks worse for wear in here.
Back in late Oct, it ran to the top of the trend channel at 1389, a channel that contained it for over five months from Dec05-May06. Now it has moved slightly above the channel. The only time it did that prior was after the early […]

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