Correction- Earlier, I had erroneously linked to yesterday’s report. That has now been corrected. Use the link which follows. Today’s gold stock screens and data,…
Running late tonight, so I will keep things brief. For now shorter term price projections have been all but reached, but the 10-12 month cycle…
The Fed added $7.75 billion to the liquidity pool Tuesday. It pumped in that amount in overnight repos against no expirations. That sets up a…
Today’s gold stock screens and data, along with cycle conditions and projections for gold and HUI index, and Chart of the Day picks for swing…
The Macro Liquidity Index (MLI) has been hanging around 3 month highs. The Fed and foreign central banks (FCBs) continue to create liquidity, offsetting weakness…
A few months ago I wrote that, based on the pattern of Saudi output and the rig count, it looks a hell of a lot like their fields are exhausted. And if the Saudi fields turn, that bodes ill for world-wide production, as essentially all other major oil exporting nations except Russia are already […]
The market stalled out on Friday, as the pinning bots did their clean up work on the last day of Scam Week (options expiration). Tuesday…
The Fed drained $6.5 billion from the liquidity pool on Friday. It added $10 billion in 5 day repos (holiday weekend +1) against expirations of…
Today’s gold stock screens and data, along with cycle conditions and projections for gold and HUI index, and Chart of the Day picks for swing…
Can you feel the panic setting in? Bulls—bears? It doesn’t matter. Bulls, bears, pigs, and chickens are all on a hair trigger. The market has…