While the weakness on Monday was enough to trigger sell signals on some indicators, others remain undisturbed. Click here to download complete report in pdf…
The Fed pumped $5.25 billion into the market on Monday, pushing the System Open Market Account (SOMA) off the 5% growth trendline where it has…
Today’s gold stock screens and data, along with cycle conditions and projections for gold and HUI index, and Chart of the Day picks for swing…
Were nervous longs and overly aggressive bears just victimized by another one of those flash-in-the-pan shakeouts that help to revitalize an uptrend? It’s too early…
Latest cycle conditions and projections for the US Dollar Index and 10 Year Treasury Yield. Click links to download report in pdf format. (WSE Pro…
The Fed did nothing on Friday, allowing a net of $4 billion in repo expirations to go unanswered, resulting in a $4 billion net drain.…
Today’s gold stock screens and data, along with cycle conditions and projections for gold and HUI index, and Chart of the Day picks for swing…
The hypnotic rhythm of a market moving up a small amount almost every day finally put me to sleep this week. While there were indications…
The Fed did a huge drain on Thursday to offset the $9.5 billion in paydowns on the T-bills that were settling. The Fed’s move could…
Today’s gold stock screens and data, along with cycle conditions and projections for gold and HUI index, and Chart of the Day picks for swing…