We won… and free speech wins.
by Aaron Krowne Founder, The Implode-o-Meter There’s been plenty of press about the gold (and silver) “crash” of April 12 and 15th, most of it…
How well will Bernanke’s new “sterilized QE” idea work to support the bond market while reigning in inflation? Not well at all. Let us count the ways (and the unintended consequences)…
Reposted from ML-Implode.com with publisher’s permission. Via Bloomberg (snarky remarks from us at bottom) — The European Central Bank‘s balance sheet soared to a record 2.73…
Aaron Krowne is the founder of the Mortgage Lender Implode-o-meter. How soon we forget. There has been a lot of good commentary on the Fed’s…
This is a syndicated repost published with the permission of The Yellow Brick Road. To view original, click here. Opinions herein are not those of the…
It seems to me that predominating now in the markets is something that could be called the “shrinking pie effect” (as I try my hand at my own version of Winterisms…) : basically this is the propensity of the credit bubble in the widest sense to continue deflating even as various bailouts and pumping schemes […]
The following piece is adapted from a letter to a friend, discussing economist Nouriel Roubini’s “The Twelve Steps to Financial Disaster“; his explanation of why the Fed suddenly aggressively cut rates in January.
I completely agree with Roubini’s assessment as to the severe risks the economy faces. But he is wrong, wrong, wrong and CLUELESS […]
The new forms would provide for an additional signature right below the first one where the borrower signs to acknowledge reading and understanding all of the fine print, and promises to honor all of the terms for repaying the debt. […]
Two years ago when Jimmy Doofman purchased his new De La La Estates home at 1419 Blasienna Circle for $500,000 he felt sure it would appreciate quickly, enabling him to flip it for a nice profit.
He wasn’t worried when neighbors began complaining about the slow ream estate market, because he didn’t have to sell; he was in […]