I really don’t know why even some of the bears like this stock.
It really seems to be flying around wildly relative to the price of gold. Certainly not another shelf offering. Could be some funny pair trade going on. Alternatively, could be some recent (or not so recent) buyers who are bailing because of the shelf …
Have the miners learned from 2008? Are they immune to another credit market freeze?
or are they just as dependent as they were?
WASHINGTON — Charlie Chung runs Cups & Co., a coffee and sandwich shop in the basement of the Russell Senate Office Building. Known on Capitol Hill simply as “Cups,” the shop — a rickety 20-second train ride away from the elevator to the Senat…
WASHINGTON — So much for détente.
After a brief truce of sorts between the White House and business leaders, the top lobbyist at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce took aim at President Obama on Tuesday over an as-yet unannounced plan to force governm…
An increasing number of Americans are opting to buy smaller homes or even rent, experts say, as uncertainty about the struggling housing market, energy prices, and a lackluster domestic economy persists.
“Despite home prices that have really rolled…
“There is no deflationary factor in the structure of the capital markets to keep a central bank from destroying the currency unit.”
– Gary North
I note that this is quite consistent with our friend Jesse who continuously points out that deflati…
No matter what Ben Bernanke says about a slow economic recovery or what improved GDP growth and lower unemployment signal, many Americans still believe the economy is in horrible shape. “More than half of Americans (55%) describe the U.S. economy …
Cramer: Bernanke Is Doing the Right Thing
After Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke spoke to the press on Wednesday, stocks ended sharply up and climbed to new multi-year highs, even though Cramer said the Fed chief said nothing new.Bernanke did,…
As Federal and state funding is cut off from the wackos, I expect every UFO nut in the USA will gather for a protest in front of the White House.
I’ve got two words for them: Loser Morons
Have a nice day.
A youboob video detailing the news: