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Now and Then Donald Trump

Then- Global warming is a con
Now- Global warming is a real problem

Then– Mitt is a choke artist
Now- Welcome to my cabinet, Mr. Secretary of State.

Then- Hillary’s a crook. I will put her in jail.
Now- We will not investigate Hillary. I want to help her heal.

Then– We should torture terror suspects to get information out of them.
Now- I’m against torture. It does more harm than good.

Then- This Mexican judge is biased against me because he’s Mexican
Now- No need to continue this law enforcement suit against Trump University. I’m going to pay the victims of my fraud $25 million.

Then- We’ll deport all the Mexicans, who are rapists and criminals
Now- My gardeners at Mar-a-Lago are Mexican. Great people. Hard working.

Then- Blah blah Muslims bad. Blah blah Mexicans bad. Blah blah Hillary crook- Jewish symbols, money, bad.
Now- I deplore any expressions of racism or anti-Semitism

Wall? What wall?

If he keeps this up, pretty soon he’ll be a Democrat.

Way Back- I am a Democrat
Now- I am a Republican
Future- Just kidding. I really am a Democrat.

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  1. FDR Liberal

    Mr. Adler, Nominating Jeff Sessions for AG, former judicial nominee in ’86 or ’87 and was not confirmed due to racial positions and remarks and is the current senator from Alabama ought to allay those concerns that he is a future Democrat.

    I would also add nominating Nikkie Haley, Governor of South Carolina and a tea party member of the GOP to be Ambassador of the UN ought to soothe your concerns as well.

    General Flinn as NSA, ought to also salve that wound of Trump’s allegiance to the Democratic Party as you assert in your last remark.

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