I have been back in Florida for the past few days taking care of personal business for my mother, who is 90 years young, living in a wonderful assisted living facility in Delray Beach. While I was here at home in West Palm, my water heater blew out, the central air conditioning sprang a leak in the drain system, BEHIND the drywall, all unplanned of course, and the convertible, which we had left back here in FL, needed to be serviced, which was planned, but time consuming nevertheless.
Those are my excuses. OK, so the dog didn’t eat my homework, but you get the idea. Now here’s the schedule. The Fed Report will be posted later tonight. I will skip the market update tonight. The market didn’t do anything that was not covered in the parameters I discussed last night, although the screen differential indicator almost certainly had an uptick off that low so it could be the beginnings of a low. The timing seems off however. If there’s time tomorrow morning I’ll post a brief update, and then the usual Precious Metals update. The daily market update will be posted again Wednesday night.
Then Thursday, I’ll be starting back to Canada bright and early, this time with the convertible, but since I’ll probably hit the tail end of Tropical Storm Debby, I think I’ll leave the top up. Even if it’s not raining, riding in a 98 degree 70 mph blast furnace isn’t all that much fun anyway. Ah summertime.
The bottom line is that there will be no Professional Edition postings for the next several days. I will probably resume posting with the market update on Sunday night. The Fed and Treasury updates will not be published next weekend. They will return the weekend of Friday July 6.
Publication will continue throughout the summer on an occasionally reduced schedule. I suspect that we won’t be missing much on the few days I take away from the screen now and then.
Thanks for your support. I hope that you are enjoying your summer. Be sure to get in some quality vacation time with your family! Play with your children and grandchildren, and enjoy the time you have with your parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins, even if it means that you have to get the dog to eat your homework. Those are the most important things.