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My Exchange With “Tyler Durden”

Tyler Durden is a “person” (or persons), who doesn’t want to reveal his true identity in public, instead cloaking himself behind a mythical cinema persona. That persona is who “Tyler” wishes he was, not who he is.

You all know “Tyler.” He’s the guy who started and runs Zerohedge, which is a truly great website, in spite of any personality issues the proprietor may or may not have about revealing who he is. It’s a daily must-read for everybody in this business.

An acquaintance of mine has on occasion reposted some of my work there. I was happy to allow that. I felt that it was an honor. ZH gets huge traffic and the exposure helped me a lot.  I felt it was a win win. But those posts did generate some controversy over there. Commenters attacked them, and me personally, with volume and vehemence.

On occasion Zerohedge promoted those posts to their front page for lengthy periods, which I  appreciated. However, of the last few posts of mine that my acquaintance submitted, a couple were withheld from the front page, or if they were posted there, not for long.  I saw other contributor posts that had come both before and after mine that got front page placement while my posts did not. This happened on two occasions that I recall.

There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s the editor’s discretion to do so. I felt that the reason for the lack of placement was because they did not agree with my analysis. But again, that’s their right. I concluded that they probably weren’t too happy with my posts. That was my impression. I didn’t like it, but that’s the way it was. So be it.

Recently I got a message through my acquaintance that “Tyler” wished to communicate with me about an issue between us.  It wasn’t on the top of my list to respond, but tonight I had written a post that I thought they would like and I wanted them to see it. I sent this informal, I thought pleasant, email to “Tyler.”

Lee Adler, a real person
Lee Adler, a real person

From: “Wall Street Examiner” <ad***@wa****************.com>

To: <ty***@ze*******.com>

Subject: What’s up?

Date: Wed, 16 May 2012 21:44:52 -0400

[My acquaintance] said that you wanted me to get in touch with you, but didn’t say why. I thought maybe you wanted to offer me a job. LOL

Check out this story. It’s a theme I’ve hammered on for years. Saw that you posted something akin to it today.

The Conomy Game- The Legend of Bennie The Beard, Henry the Hitman, and the Gangbankster Dealers

If you can use it, you’re welcome to.


Lee Adler
Editor and Publisher
The Wall Street Examiner Company Inc.
Email Bulletins –
Twitter Feed-
Phone 561-839-3726

Friendly. No hard feelings, right?

I guess the feelings weren’t mutual. I got this response 45 minutes later.

"Tyler Durden"
"Tyler Durden"

From:ty***@ze*******.org" href="mailto:ty***@ze*******.org" data-original-string="d+kDlsp9iw4wuZVrgJ1LHbHtZFAV8zP2ua2vNsjSgbM=" title="This contact has been encoded by Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. Click to decode. To finish the decoding make sure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser.">Tyler Durden
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 10:30 PM
To:ad***@wa****************.com" href="mailto:ad***@wa****************.com" data-original-string="IaJajf+fC+eitsen+ibbXWh5t67pQanRYeAee6MUrac=" title="This contact has been encoded by Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. Click to decode. To finish the decoding make sure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser.">Wall Street Examiner
Subject: Re: What’s up?

Actually my concern was your public and totally unfounded allegation that we do not promote your posts (via [our acquaintance]) which is total bullshit

Classy response but I wasn’t impressed. I think “Tyler” should try intimidating someone else.  Why waste all that anger on little old me? Seems like such a waste.

By the way, “Tyler,” if you want to repost my work, you are still welcome to. Just be sure to include an attribution and a link.

Thanks for the exposure “Tyler.”  Thanks for your kind words of support. Call me any time.

Your friend,

Lee A. Adler (not a pseudonym)

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  1. Russ Winter

    “Tyler Durden” whoever he (they) are is the man. One of the great voices against the kleptocrats out there.

  2. Ole C G Olesen

    Lee… also I have serious concerns about this ” Tyler Durden ”
    He ( they ..whoever ” ) portrays themselves as very critical towards US financial fraudulent establishment .. good . But when You really describe what the USA is doing .. in its uggly terrible extent.. You are NOT allowed to write ” the truth ” and get blocked .. As far as I can percieve … the ” Tyler Durden ” pseudonymn covers ULTRA-NATIONALISTC USA people .. with an agenda which they hide . I have other theories about the web-site also .. a bit more farflegded .. but ??? I have an extremely well developed ” NOSE ” for fraudsters or people with an other agenda than they make appear. I developed that in Europe during the Marxist years .., pertinent there.. and seldom have been wrong . ABOVE .. is MY perception of ” ZERO-HEDGE ” !

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