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CHS – We in America don’t like to talk about despair, vulnerability or wisdom

I’m not sure CHS spends much time on economic chatboards.

I’m pretty sure that despair, vunerability, and wackoism, er wisdom, are recurrent themes.

From CHS:

“This reflects the American culture’s politics of experience which distills all of human experience and emotion down to one of four states–four states reflected every hour and every day in our deranged television programming:

1. It is a medical issue which can be resolved with meds or surgery.

2. It is a criminal/legal issue which can be resolved by arresting the perps and/or suing them in court to “get justice.”

3. It is a confrontation which can only be resolved with violence and an unclouded victory over “Evil” which leaves the “bad guys” all dead or in custody (see 2 above).

4. There is a technological fix which enables 1-3 to be done better and easier. That is why broadcast television is dominated by three shows: “cops and docs” and comedies that seek to dispel/distract our despair with humor. The fourth avenue of our experience, technological “solutions” to all problem-states, is ever-present in all media.”

Of Two Minds Blog

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