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Bernanke – two bullets left

This is a syndicated repost published with the permission of The Yellow Brick Road. To view original, click here. Opinions herein are not those of the Wall Street Examiner or Lee Adler. Reposting does not imply endorsement. The information presented is for educational or entertainment purposes and is not individual investment advice.

Drew Matus, economist at Merrill Lynch, is throwing more kaka into our forecasting potion (here is the podcast):

  • Q2 GDP positive, stimulus checks are fading
  • Q3 GDP negative
  • Inflation remains very elevated all this year, Bernanke is stuck with 2% Fed Funds rate
  • Finally, inflation is dropping sharply down to 1.6% core rate in Q1 ‘08
  • Bernanke’s hands are finally free, he will immediately cut another 50 bps down to 1.5% before March
  • Nominal GDP growth for the whole 2009 is below 2%
  • Unemployment up to 6.4% in 2009


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