The Fed rested on Tuesday, adding a net of just $250 million to the liquidity pool with an overnight repo of $7.75 billion versus $7.5 billion in expriations. Click here to download complete report in pdf format (Professional Edition Subscribers).
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Maybe it bounced back with shenanigans from the BoJ … rather than the Fed…
Note the correlation of DOw and Yen in last 2 days…
Maybe they have been a double tag team all along.. when one rests the OTHER pumps em up BIGGIE style?!
Any way of monitoring BoJ activities similar to the Fed activities?
Oh how I wish I could cover everything! But the truth is that I am maxed out. I don’t have a clue as to whether the BoJ even reports its daily activities like the Fed does, and if they do, would it be available in English. This is something that other readers might wish to clue us in on. If there’s a ready resource such as the NY Fed’s site, at least we’d know where to look. When I get time, I will research this, but I suspect that someone out there already knows the answer. Let’s hear from you!
Russ reports on the BoJ from time to time. Keep an eye on his blog.
You are doing a great job as it is Lee… keep up the great work.
I also suspect involvement of other Central Banks and even the State Treasuries of various countries.
It does look like a ‘JOINT’ effort from the way various currencies have devalued against gold in turn… first USD.. then Yen… then Euro…
Maybe a page on ‘Central Bank Watch’?! heheh
perhaps someone else with a spare 30 hours in the day can do that?! hehe